Heart Chakra

I am love.

I attract love and compassion and warmth. I am worthy of the purest love.

Effortlessly. Easily. Abundantly. Without fear.

I live a life of love. And love lives through me. Love is all around, it’s everywhere I go.

I walk in love. I talk in love.

I think in love. I act in love. I move in love.

I am kind and loving to myself.

I know who I am, and I love who I am. Unconditionally.

I allow love and compassion to radiate in everything I do.

My heart is open to new experiences and new feelings.

My natural loving nature attracts love to me like a magnet.

I am grateful for all of my loving and supportive relationships, friends, and family.

I choose to be free and happy.

The happiness and excitement I feel is shared by those around me.

I love the way I live my life, exactly as I want to.

I am ready to receive the love that is meant for me.

Real love starts here.

Read the poem? Check out the visual design over on the graphics page here

There is a wisdom of the head, and a wisdom of the heart


Kannaiyah the compassionate


The Tattooed Priestess