The Death of Magic

Why does magic have to die?

The one thing that lights our soul and it has to die, really? To be replaced with logic, and reason, and all the things you’re taught at school. The thing that help you pass your exams. But wait a minute. See, logic and reason is where doubt starts, is it not? Where you think there must be a clear, well constructed, and understood pathway that leads from one instance to another.

But that’s where you’re wrong. Magic is the pure strength of belief that one thing has an infinite number of outcomes, each just as incredible and outrageous as the other. Outside of time, outside of space.

Then why are we trained to ignore it? To replace it with something we call a logical life? Programmable.

We live in magic.

We pray in magic.

We dance in magic.

We feel in magic.

“So, why must I strike a match to light a fire?

When there is fire in my fingertips that runs through my veins?”

The serendipitous nature of our lives and experiences are connected through magic.

And yet it’s so cool, and accepted, and expected, to be logical, to be rational? To explain away our wonderment with rules and theorems and mechanics. To rely on theory and process?

The overexplained, overscheduled life is life, less ordeal.

So, the magic that we have, let us use that to fuel our curiosity and power the mechanics for how we see the world.

To create our own worlds and to be free to create the future we want outside the confines of logical thought and programmed expectation.

For magic is the unspoken resonance of life, the dots that connect us to our surroundings, the reason we choose left and not right. The reason our eyes sparkle when we see that person.

It has has the power to transform. The power to create so many of our ephemeral moments and weave a beautiful tapestry.

And so, does it not make sense that the death of magic is the death of conscience and being and imagination and freedom and love and laughter.

For all these things need no rationale reason to exist.

Magic will never die because magic is life itself.

I am a great admirer of mystery and magic. Look at this life - all mystery and magic.

Harry Houdini


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