Solar Plexus Chakra

I am powerful.

I am invincible.

I am unyielding.

I am capable of whatever I choose for my life.

I make my own decisions with confidence and intent.

Everything I need, I have within me.

I am a vessel into which the light of the almighty shines and radiates.

I stand in this light and allow it to consume me. To take me by the hand.

I accept the journey that I am taken on and use my power for good.

I overcome every single challenge that is thrown my way.

I fill myself with insurmountable, unconquerable, inimitable energy.

For this is what strengthens me. And keeps me humble.

I choose the best for myself, always.

I am a leader. To myself. To my friends. To my family.

With confidence. With honour. With determination. With discipline. With love. With freedom.

I am stronger than my fears.

I create the life I want, by stepping forward into it.

I am confident in my ability to succeed and I am always grateful for life.

I am forever in chardi kala.

I am powerful.

I am invincible.

I am unyielding.

I am enough.

What could we accomplish if we knew we could not fail?
Eleanor Roosevelt


Why him, not me?


The Death of Magic