Sacral Chakra

I am passion. I am creation. I am sexuality. I am emotion.

I am the sacred flow of energy, a vessel of life’s creation.

I embrace my creativity and express it freely in every area of my life.

I am open to all experiences of pleasure and joy and ecstasy.

I invite this joy into my life, allowing it to awaken my spirit.

The creative force of life within me is abundant and boundless.

I accept my life is woven with this energy and I embrace it’s power.

I trust the whispers of my soul and the wisdom they bring. I welcome that which is meant for me.

My emotions flow freely and they guide and teach me. I find truth in them.

I love my body, in which my soul resides, and I treat it with care.

I honour and respect my body and it’s desires. I am confident in expressing myself healthily.

My sensuality and sexuality is sacred, and I open myself to connection and intimacy, rooted in love.

My relationships are strong and purposeful and beautiful.

My life and my love are in perfect balance.

I trust my loved ones and they trust me. I surround myself with those who uplift my soul.

And it is right for me to choose joy, fun, and play in my daily life.

I release any fears or blocks that hinder my creativity and expression.

Creating art and writing and speaking and smiling - every act of creation is a celebration of my divine self.

Inspiration flows towards me naturally and I act on these ideas.

The flow of positive energy effortlessly moves through me, creating my life.

I attract people who treat me with respect. I attract people who show me love. I attract people who see me.

I attract people who support and love me for who I am.

I attract people who choose me. And I choose them, with open arms and an open heart.

I am grateful for the joy of being me.

I am passion. I am creation. I am sexuality. I am emotion.

I am a sacred force. I am me.


Death is Life