Oh, Spider and Your Web

The web of infinite possibilities.

Infinite dimensions.

And infinite illusions.

Come forth spider and weave your beauty and magic and create a galaxy of shimmering, intricate and delicate journeys.

Each existing as its own, but together creating a masterful whole.

Oh, spider, they look upon you with fear and disdain, but you are the artist, the creator, with your beloved designs of life and your careful tapestry.

Weave me a peaceful world and carry creation in your web. Life itself, waiting to be unfurled. Each spoke of your web, a pillar of the story. Full of intrigue, and fear, and majesty.

Oh spider, you are able to balance and walk the tight rope without worry of entanglement. Yet those who know not of your partial sight, believe it is an easy feat. They do not realise, that just the mere vibrations of your world guide you. And to this rhythm, you dance, and you see, and you weave.

A wisdom, a knowledge befalls you, of where you come from and where you go. And what is it, this wisdom? To hold artistry in your limbs, and dance to the silence of creation?

Your many legs are the many winds of life, the winds of change. But the web you weave is illusion, is reality, is possible, is questioned, is infinite. And moving along each tram line of your web, we learn of ourselves, our desires, our dreams, our creative passions.

Only venturing forth, does the woven web become unwoven, does the mystery of the unknown become known, does the illusion become reality, does the questioned receive answer, do we see and understand the complexities of the web. The beautiful web.

And spider, your web is our test. Our text. Our Pandora’s box. Our hidden drawer. And only journeying on this shimmering, intricate, delicate passing do we evolve, effervesce, enchant.

To know that the beginning, the epicentre, is one. One from which the outer reaches of the web are many. And each reach equally beautiful and exalted as it is full of doom, agony and folly. This journey is to know life itself.

Spider, you are mesmerizing in your perseverance to create.

As though creation itself is you. You are power.

And oh spider, as you weave your beautiful web, you create the pictures we live through. You show us life. You deliver us to ourselves. Oh spider and your web.

You are source, awakened.


Root Chakra

