Root Chakra

I am humility.

I am connected to the ancient earth. To Mother Earth. I submit my will to you.

I am grounded. I am rooted. I am one with the wisdom of the earth, of the dirt, of the dust. I am humble.

I am one with the ancient wisdom of the forest, the peace, the serenity, the silence, the light, and the dark.

I am part of history, of present, of the future. All of creation flows through me and connects me.

I am here. I have a healthy mind. I have a healthy body.

I am one with the seed that grows in the darkness and breaks free to pursue the light.

Standing strong. I am secure.

Evergreen and beautiful.


Proud to be.

I am grateful.

The energy that passes through me passes through all. I am the energy that births life in whatever form.

I am everything and I am nothing. I am abundant.

I am no greater or no lesser than any other. I learn about others by learning first from myself.

I am connected and grounded and rooted. I am humble.

Thank you Mother Earth.

Read the poem? Check out the visual design over on the graphics page here

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