Throat Chakra

I am clarity.

I speak truth. My highest truth. Clearly and concisely.

My voice is clear. My voice is steady. My voice is strong. My voice matters.

I express myself clearly, confidently, and without fear.

Being honest, frees me.

I speak with love, kindness, care and respect for others.

I speak to spread good energy, joy, and laughter.

I have all the words I need to create the world around me.

I share my experiences and wisdom openly.

My voice is heard and appreciated. My mind is sharp.

And when it is time to listen, I listen with my whole being, patiently and attentively.

I listen to my thoughts, my feelings, my body, my intuition.

So that I learn what my truth is.

And in turn, I listen for guidance from spirit, which I communicate

with gratitude and love.

Speaking my truth is effortless. I am clear on who I am.

I am authentic. I am balanced.

Thank you.

Read the poem? Check out the visual design over on the graphics page here

Let the inner ear listen to the voice of truth that is always speaking


The Tattooed Priestess


Justice prevails, when