Justice prevails, when

You, stop murdering our children. Stop murdering our youth. Why must you kill them off?

How many must disappear before a pattern emerges of your weak and feeble nature, and of how you fear your own demise. Do you question your existence so much that this killing brings you some clarity in who you think you should be? and in turn giving your gullible crowds their purpose? Questions to the leaders. To the governments.
We know the answers. We know who you are. Fascism. Cowards.

For those of you who seek to hold onto power, for its ability to rule the masses, you are like delinquents, wielding it irresponsibly. Pathetically. You are a blight on human history, and you will be remembered as such.

All because you are desperate to quell our voices.

But these voices are voices of reason.

These voices are voices of clarity.

These voices are voices of justice.

These voices are voices of truth.

Which you choose to label as defiance. Because why should you be dethroned by truth and justice, when it’s easier to be blinded by the reality that you’ve morphed to your own agenda, and delivered through your indoctrinated puppets and media cells. ‘We are righteous’ is fascism wrapped up in populism and ‘the youth are to blame’ is easy to write and even easier to read.

But you will not silence the unquenchable voice of the people, the truth of the people. So yes we will be defiant. In the face of tyranny, disguised as democracy, the world needs justice.

And we will not forget what you have done to our people. To our brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers. Yet we will continue being born again. We will never back down.

We have more musicians, more lawyers, more movie stars, and more real politicians who seek for our people to be represented. And we will always have more warriors. Always.

The only people you leave alive are those who massage your ego. But even their hands will hurt over time, and throttle you in your sleep. Tyrants fall to their own tyranny. To their own subjects.

The more you try to silence your critics the more power you give them. Because, the only ‘good’ that evil ever does is the illusion of good it drapes itself in, the lie. If you are so feeble you can’t own your own evil, and instead wrap it up in some contrite holier-than-thou rhetoric, then you are pitiful. To the governments again. Hear this.

Our youth are our strength. And a thorn in your side. And we will keep educating them.

As to why opposing unjust regimes is righteous.

As to why supporting the oppressed is honourable.

As to why there is never only one way to be.

As to why raising the flag for revolution will always topple the archaic denizens on their thrones.

Because this is who we are. Our people. Bringers of Justice. Servants of humanity. Warriors of truth. And we all hold beauty and peace and God within us.

Our fabric will always prevail. Because there will come a time when the weak and feeble-minded will die. You will die.

Justice prevails, when all other labours are given up. and the sole aim

and focus

and desire

and anger

and rage

and sadness

and strength

and power

is written into the verses of our uprising.

When these verses are all we sing and this is our only cause.

When all we do is fight back. When all we want is freedom for our people. From oppression. From injustice. From our youth being taken away. We will stop at nothing and fear no one.

And like the pomegranate fruit, when one of us breaks, hundreds of seeds are scattered each holding a voice who will continue our fight. You think we are silenced? To the governments. To the leaders. No. We multiply.

Together, we are the youth. We are the youth of our forefathers. We are the youth to the long line of martyrs and freedom fighters who have gone before us, whose cries, whose voices, whose epitaphs echo the halls of our destiny and ignite a fire within. We are youth to the age-old system that demonises us but now our youth carries with it the wisdom, the learnings, the knowledge of the machinations of a broken institution called democracy. We have everything we need to do better.

But for now we must mourn, so as to fuel a new movement. Of unity and awareness. We are a sleeping giant who hasn’t yet understood the extraordinary skills, mindsets, pragmatism, and resilience of our people. To the governments. To the leaders. Hear this.

Right now, on every avenue, every platform, we are sounding out our freedom. And you are afraid of us. You see our history and you cower. You see our history and you are afraid that we will enslave you. But that is where we are different. We will set you free knowing your demise is inevitable.

Gangsters, politics, religion. Whatever headline you obtusely give these encounters is irrelevant.

This is always revolution. To battle tyranny and oppression. This is always revolution.

And justice will prevail, when every ounce of our being wills it to.

Activism is the rent we pay for living on this earth


Throat Chakra


Root Chakra