Channelling Chakras: Energy Doesn’t Lie

For the last few years, I’ve gone through plenty of ups and down but what’s always brought me ‘back to life’ so to speak is meditation and channelling the right energies into my everyday life. What I mean by channelling is focusing on the right intentions, repeating affirmations, doing the things I need to do in order to be exactly who I need to be on that day, or that week. Whether that’s in work, or at home, or going out for food, playing footy or even helping a friend with some interior design work ie demolition time with a sledgehammer! haha

The energy that I feel and see and hear, from what goes around me, NEVER lies. So understanding first my own energies and thought patterns has really helped me in knowing where I should be, who I should stick with, who I should let go, and what I should be doing with my life. It can change day-to-day. And it comes down to how in-tune with my chakras/energy centres I am. My morning meditations/recitations give me the opportunity to cleanse each or every one of my centres, ground myself, and be focused and sharp on what I’m hoping to achieve that day. And by being more in-tune with my own energies, it’s helped me recognise better the energies around me.

So all that being said, this latest blog post is about each of the energy centres or chakras that we hold and a little insight into what each of these chakras mean to me and how I channel my energy through them to guide me.

Root Chakra - ‘I am’

For me the root chakra is one of my real focus areas and where I prioritise a lot of my meditation. It’s all about being present and being grounded. The reason why it’s so important is because over the years and particularly while I was in my late teens moving into university, I was achieving a lot educationally and I let it get to my head. I mean I was always good at all the million things I tried to do but I was sometimes arrogant with it and I felt that I always just better than everyone else. Part of this was just being at that age and feeling invincible but it also came from a place of ego and thinking I was great before actually doing anything that was great. And even now, I still have to really ask myself questions, is that necessary? is that kind? Do I really know enough to be saying that? How would I feel in that situation?

So a big part of my meditation is to bring humility to everything that I do. Recognise that we are all in some way connected and cut from the same cloth. Recognise that I can learn something new from each and every situation that I’m put in and therefore respect every single person I encounter for the knowledge they may impart.

Another part of this chakra for me is to reconnect with nature. When I think about being grounded, I think about connecting myself with the roots that anchor trees and plants to the ground and create that special network. I like to think of it as a connection with the ancient forest. That the energy I’m channelling is energy that has long been there, channelling through the plants, the trees, the wildlife. And within that energy there is wisdom, there is history. So then to me, it helps me to visualise that the same energy that exists in all lifeforms, exists in me and therefore I am no lesser and no greater than anyone else. This is what keeps me humble. The power of Mother Earth is what keeps me grounded, is what connects me with nature and I happily submit my will to nature knowing that this submission to ancient energy and humility will guide me. Sometimes I even take a cheeky walk barefoot in the garden to feel it! haha

The final thing that’s really important to me is that feeling of breaking free. Season after season, roots grows, seeds sprout into life and whole ecosystems of wildlife and plant life form. In exactly the same way, I see that my journey is similar. I have experienced, and rooted myself in the darkness, and I have broken free in pursuit of the light. And in doing so, I have grown, I have become strong, steadfast, and grateful.

But one more point I want to make is that the root chakra has always helped me come back down from the clouds. I’m big ideas person always wondering where life can go, what else I can be doing, dreaming up new futures. So channelling my root chakra energy centre brings me back down to earth and keeps me grounded in the present. It takes away the haze of wishing for a great tomorrow and helps me focus on making today incredible.

Sacral Chakra - ‘I feel’

My sacral chakra is massively important for a few reasons. It’s associated with ‘feeling’ and staying connected to your passions in life. These are the passions related to 1)creativity - so being creatively expressive in any area of life from drawing, painting to writing your first poem; 2) sexuality - giving yourself room to be intimate and sensual with your partner; and 3) pleasure - being at one with what brings you joy whether it’s playing your favourite computer game or giving yourself freedom to go on 10 mile hike!

The most important part of this chakra’s energy for me is that connection with my passions. Recently I said to someone, “I just want to do cool stuff” and that stuck with me. So the way I make sure that I always keep doing cool stuff, is by keeping my passions, my intrigues, my hobbies strong. I like reading comics, and playing on my Switch but I don’t do it that often anymore because work takes up a lot of time - so I channel my energies to help me centre myself on the things I need to do, to be me. To be young and enthusiastic and excitable about, well, cool stuff! haha And if I need to be creative like writing a new poem, or building my graphic design project, then I will make sure to focus on my sacral chakra.

The other key thing about aligning my chakra is listening to my emotions and internal reflections on things. What am I allowing myself to feel pleasure/joy in? What am I stopping myself from feeling because of time restraints or other priorities? Sitting and drawing breath and reflecting on these types of questions really helps to bring through the right energy into what I’m doing and even help me recognise what I shouldn’t be doing ie the things that are preventing me from realising my life’s passions.

Solar Plexus Chakra - ‘I act’

This energy centre is all about confidence and acting with intent. I have always been super strong with this one - I’ve naturally always been self-assured in whatever I do and wherever I go - I’ve had a real sense of purpose. But for those times when I lose my way a little or start wondering about my real purpose in life, I have to look deeper to find that self-motivation again and to feel like I belong to something bigger and therefore my work is meaningful.

I’ve always found that when my solar plexus chakra is aligned and working well, I’m content, I’m happy with how life is playing out, I’m energetic to get things done. But here’s the key - I’ve found that this energy centre is linked to self-esteem, wanting approval, and always looking back at things with regret and self-loathing like “why did I do that?” or “what a stupid decision I made”. And so this is where I think channelling this energy centre has been so powerful for me because over time, as I’ve built I have learned to focus on just myself, my own actions, my own purpose and my own power. So slowly slowly, I’ve distanced myself from the energies that bring down my self-esteem, that bring down my self-worth and I really champion my own strengths and connect with the people who are like minded and have as much confidence in what they do as I do - I’ve connected with more and more poetry writers on Instagram and even connected with some incredible graphic designers who I’ve learnt from. But this is where it’s bitten me in the past, when I’m focusing too much on this energy centre I become quite impulsive and don’t think about what I’m saying and it can sometimes turn into arrogance or pig-headedness.

But overall for me, this energy is about knowing what I want to do, doing what I want to do, unapologetically. Never feeling like I should be scared or have to cower from anyone. Never even thinking about ‘what will others think’. I just go out and do what I need to. Proudly. So that’s why with my solar plexus chakra, affirmations are really strong: ‘I am capable’, ‘I am confident’, ‘ I am powerful’, ‘I am ready for any challenge’, ‘I forgive myself for any past mistakes and I learn from them’.

Just doing these little things is so so energising and refreshing!

Heart Chakra - ‘I love’

My heart chakra is strongly related to the colour green and when I meditate the hue of green changes all the time from emerald green to forest green to lime green. And I think that this might reflect my current feelings about myself and others. When I’m feeling dark green, I’m more deep and melancholy with my thoughts but when I’m feeling lighter green, I’m more energetic, happy, and thankful.

The key thing about my meditations and channelling my heart chakra is the feeling of being free. Being free to share my emotions with people, being free to share my thoughts and feelings, and ultimately being free to share my love with someone. But that’s the crazy thing about it - it’s not love in the literal sense of the word ie a man loves a woman. It’s more about the connection and love and equality that you see in everything around you. So that freedom I mentioned is more about the freedom to connect with others, and approaching situations and people with an open heart. Love is being free, whereas I guess attachment is the opposite.

It’s something I’ve really learned over the years that as long as I am able to approach someone with trust and openness, my intentions will always be true and I will always be optimistic, friendly, and ultimately building fulfilling relationships become easier! I’m not saying you can crack on with anyone you fancy haha but I’m saying that when your hearts in the right place, the rest of you will follow whatever comes of the relationship or connection.

I guess over the years, probably whilst I was younger, I’ve subscribed to the accepted norm in Punjabi culture that men will handle themselves perfectly fine and we don’t need to get too emotional over things. But that’s far from the truth. Yes, there are things I can easily handle so naturally I won’t want or need support. But for the things, the tasks, the jobs, the life duties that I can’t quite tackle myself, it’s important to be open to help and support from others - and that’s where there love is right. When I allow myself to be vulnerable, I am also allowing myself to be humble and seeking help to learn and build. Isn’t that better than being bullish and thinking I don’t need anybody’s help because then I’d come across as weak? Yep I reckon so. And this is where I believe that the Root Chakra (humility), the Sacral Chakra (passion), and the Solar Plexus Chakra (personal power) all align and feed into the Heart Chakra so well. Without being humble, without recognising your passions, and without being confident in your own power (and confident in knowing where your power isn’t), your heart will find it tough to open up.

This then relates to the other important point I wanted to talk about. The idea of compassion. Compassion is something that I’ve always looked to strengthen but sometimes struggled with. Seeing and understanding other people’s plights and being respectful of their needs is compassion. Connecting to someone through their ups as well as their downs is compassion. We are living in pretty crazy times right now. There’s a lot going on around the world and we are able to see so much more of the real, on-the-ground footage of injustices, of war, of fascism and populism because of social media. But that itself means being compassionate has turned into a token gesture that get’s lost in the comments section of an Instagram post. That’s why I try and reach out to friends, family, colleagues if they are going through tough times. Because to me that’s compassion. I try and just listen and understand. And by meditating through my heart chakra I am opening up my heart to be more compassionate and to build stronger connections with those around me.

Throat Chakra - ‘I speak’

This energy centre is all about the colour blue and it’s about being fully aligned with your truth. Now I know that sounds pretty deep and non-descript at the same time. What I mean by aligned with truth is that you are comfortable to speak exactly what you feel without fear of reprisal and full of confidence. The simplest example I can give is when you’re in a meeting at work and there is a suggestion that you don’t quite agree on. There are two options - you either stay quiet and let it all unfold and hold back what you wanted to say. Or you speak up and confidently voice your suggestions and look for alternatives. Channelling your throat chakra energy is how you can move from the first option to the second option and speak your truth.

And in turn this chakra is therefore about influence and intent through communicating clearly. Through voice, through actions.

Over the years I’ve been through times where I feel that people don’t understand me, or relate to me, or even that people don’t like what I’m talking about. And for me that comes down to my ability to speak my truth. I’m not saying that I want to speak my truth so people will like me and understand me, no. I’m saying that in order to be myself clearly, I want to channel my thoughts and voice clearly and articulately so it’s never not clear what I’m talking about. And naturally that means there’s no confusion, so the right people will stick around because who I am, what I say, how I speak resonates with them. In a nutshell, if I say ‘yeh, yeh, yeh’ to people who I should be saying ‘no, no, no’ then I’ll always wonder why people don’t understand me.

In turn this chakra picks up from the previous 4 chakras in that, they all feed into the expression of truth. When I’m in positive spirits and I’m open to new experiences ie my solar plexus chakra and heart chakra are aligned, then naturally I will speak in high spirits too - I won’t talk negative talk, I will communicate with respect and courage, I will find the silver linings and I will lift others with my words naturally. And so all the previous chakras help to bring balance to this chakra.

This chakra has been a real key source of power for me because for a long long time I felt like I wasn’t living my truth. I’m not talking about just the way I speak but the actual things I took on as being part of me. The person I became got entangled in wanting one thing but not being confident in my thoughts enough to step away from a very prescriptive way of living my life. I got caught up in being someone that I was never truly comfortable with. So then this chakra for me is all about authenticity and working out clear boundaries for myself on who I am and who I don’t want to be.

Now, I know that I constantly talk about ‘aligning my energy centres’ and ‘channelling my energies’ but don’t go into much detail. So here is the detail. When I meditate or even when I sit down and recite religious scriptures, I visualise the power of the words that I speak. So for examples sake, during meditation I will repeat affirmations like “I communicate confidently and with ease” and “I hear, see, and speak truth always”. In reciting these words it brings through clarity of thought and gives power to the words. At the same time, I visualise the respective energy centre’s colour, so in this case blue and I will visualise that these words and affirmations help bring my energy centre to life - I imagine it opening up and really glowing the more I feel the power of these words and hymns. That’s why I’ve tried to bring to life the chakras in these visuals and over the next coming weeks I’ll be posting more of the actual poems that I use for channelling my energies!

Third Eye Chakra - ‘I see’

For me, this energy centre relates to perception, intuition and being in tune with your soul’s calling or maybe more accurately your consciousness. The colour for this energy centre has always been purple but, like I mentioned for the heart chakra, I get fluctuations between deep purple and very very light purple colours. I’m not too sure on why these colours fluctuate but when the colour is a lot deeper, it feels like there is a heavier weight there that needs introspection. When it spins with lighter colour, it feels like my path is clearer to me. Hmm there you go, as I’ve written I’ve come to an answer! ha!

And I guess that’s exactly what the third eye chakra is about. It’s connected to spiritual wisdom and understanding that everything we need to know is contained within us, that our souls possess deep spiritual wisdom and we just need to tap into it.

Personally, this has been sometimes a tricky one for me to really comprehend and channel because it’s always felt like I just need to harness the energy and let it run its course. Using the techniques I mentioned earlier about recitations and affirmations, when I channel this energy I repeat such things as ‘I am open to my inner wisdom’ and ‘I see that which cannot be seen, I feel that which cannot be felt, I hear that which cannot be heard’. This sounds quite counter-intuitive but it’s powerful in that I’m opening myself up for a connection with the spiritual realm rather than the physical realm so all the things I know my physical body isn’t capable of, I trust my spiritual body to guide me on. Sounds about right, no?

But here’s the thing. If through meditation, you over exert this energy centre it can lead to total dissociation with reality and becoming a bit too ‘dreamy’ all the time. This is where it really helps to ground yourself and channel your Root Chakra energy to bring about balance. I think from my experience, it can be really tricky because the more you’d like to have this special spiritual awakening through opening your third-eye, the more inclined you are to really over stimulate the chakra. The connection with the supreme energy/God/spirit then goes into overdrive and you may start seeing, hearing, sensing things that you are not quite meant to which can lead to negative thought forms and energies infiltrating your inner being. So stay grounded and don’t want so much all the time! ha! Learning to channel your chakra’s is a lifelong practice and I’m not saying I’m an expert but I’m just sharing my thoughts and practices because in actual fact it’s all really cool and helps me live a fulfilling life!

Crown Chakra - ‘I receive’

This chakra is the culmination of the other 6 chakras and brings them altogether and connects them with the supreme. This chakra sits at the top of the head and the way I experience this is that it acts like a gateway. This is always the final chakra that I meditate on in any session and it feels like when the heavens open and send down a strong pure white light that clears everything in its path. This cleanses and clears and reenergises all my other chakras and so part of the affirmation to open this chakra is to say ‘I receive’. For the small amount of time that I focus on this energy centre, it feels that I am in a moment of awakening and bliss and that all the negatives, fears, insecurities melt away. All that’s left is the pure energy from all the other 6 chakras. It’s quite incredible. And every time it’s different too. Every time the white light energy feels different, like a new version of white light that’s helping me to cleanse and refocus.

But the one thing that’s really important for me is the feeling of letting go and trusting that the white light I’m receiving is doing everything it needs to, it’s taking me in the right direction, it’s connecting me with the right people, and any thoughts or images that come to mind while I’m channelling seem to be very poignant - so I’m always trying to remember them too! It’s like I’m guided by a higher power and as I allow the energy to enter through my crown chakra it fills every single part of my inner being, it’s like it’s a full detox every morning of all the past days fears, thoughts, negativities. It’s almost like when I channel this energy, it transforms me. I’m reborn. I’m renewed. It’s kind of crazy but in a good way like I’m starting afresh and my energy is in the right place to get done what I need to get done! and it brings clarity to my thoughts and feelings too. One thing I always say to finish off channelling this energy centre is “I am the best version of myself” and it holds so much power throughout the whole of my day!

The final thing I want to share with this energy centre is the feeling that I am communicating directly with a higher presence. When I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed or I’m not sure on something, I’ll ask a question while I’m focusing on this chakra. And although I don’t hear anyone answering, I may feel a certain way about that decision or some image or date might appear in my thoughts, which my intuition always tells me to follow. And more often than not, those directions I’ve taken have always proven pretty good choices! It’s just trusting that I’m going in the right direction and the right choices will be presented to me - it’s pretty cool when you think about it!

So there you have it! I’ve shared some of my experiences with the energy centres and given you some insight into my meditations and affirmations and why I find it so powerful! I really hope you guys enjoyed the read and maybe got some inspiration about meditation and bringing through the right energy in your own life! Over the next few weeks, I’ll be adding more chakra meditation poems too so stay tuned! And as you probably noticed I’ve also been creating a new series of chakra visuals too - click here and you’ll see my whole portfolio of chakra designs - pick your favourite and let me know what you think! Thanks guys - enjoy!

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