Third-Eye Chakra
I am wise.
I recognise the patterns of the world.
And I move intuitively to them.
I trust my intuition, always.
What I see, comes to life.
I move with clarity.
I am the source of my own power.
I connect to the energies that resonate with me.
I redirect the energies that do not resonate with me.
My imagination is vivid and powerful.
My third-eye is strong.
When I quiet myself, the answers will come.
For I know that my truth sits within me.
I am an expression of the almighty.
And I am connected to the eternal wisdom.
I open myself to seeing new possibilities that align with my soul and cosmic path.
I move with intent. And every situation I encounter is an opportunity to grow.
I am an open and clear channel to receive heavenly guidance.
I truly feel the wisdom of all of life embedded within my mind, body, and spirit.
I am connected with all living beings.
I am aligned with the universe and I flow through this life with spirit powering my intuition.
I know because I know.
Because spirit knows.